The 8th Station of the Cross-The Woman of Jerusalem Weep Over  Jesus

Leader: We adore Thee, O Christ, and we praise Thee,

All (genuflect): Because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.

These devoted women, moved by compassion, weep over the suffering Savior. But He turns to them, saying: “Weep not for Me, Who am innocent, but weep for yourselves and for you children.” Weep thou also, for there is nothing more pleasing to Our Lord and nothing more profitable for thyself, than tears shed from contrition for thy sins.

O Jesus, Who shall give to my eyes a torrent of tears, that day and night I may weep for my sins? I beseech Thee, through Thy bitter and bloody tears, to move my heart by Thy divine grace, so that from my eyes tears may flow abundantly, and that I may weep all my days over Thy sufferings, and still more over their cause, my sins.




Lord Jesus, crucified, Have mercy on us!


For the sins of His own nation
Saw Him hang in desolation
Till His Spirit forth He sent.