Concludes with Episode 8, 9, and 10 “Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith” with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian, Bishop Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries! Be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of our global culture, as you learn more about our Catholic faith.

The acclaimed video series CATHOLICISM, begun last fall, concludes with the final 3 episodes at St. James Parish Andrews Hall. Don’t miss your chance to see this moving series. You need not have attended previous episodes–each one stands alone. Come all 3 weeks, or just to those you can. Videos will be repeated twice per week so you can choose whichever days work best for your schedule:

  • Sundays, 3:00-4:30 pm on Oct. 4, 11, and 18
  • Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm. on Oct. 6, 13, and 20

First Week: Episode 8 – The story of the Church is told in the examples of those men and women who dedicated their lives to knowing and serving Jesus Christ. The Catholic Faith is made visible in real human lives. Bishop Barron considers some of the Church’s greatest heroes, and demonstrates how their extraordinary examples display both the passion and creative potential of the Catholic Church. Highlighting Katharine Drexel, Therese of Lisieux, Edith Stein, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta, he tells the story of the Church as a vast company of witnesses who are called by Christ to be a Communion of Saints.

No registration, no cost. All area parishes are warmly invited. Bring a friend! Questions? Call St. James Parish Office at (216) 712-6755.