
3748 of 75 items

Unity Catholic Federal Credit Union News! (2018)

by Laura Cannon

UCFCU will be hosting a free home buying seminar on Thursday, April 12th, at 7 pm, at St. Ambrose Church in the Mother Teresa Room.Whether you are a first time home buyer, or it’s been a while since you bought a home, this session can help answer your questions and prepare you for the home buying process. Sign up today […]

Retrouvaille Weekend – April 13th-15th (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Has your marriage become unloving or uncaring – your relationship cold and distant – thinking about a separation or divorce? Are you already separated/divorced but both of you want to try again? Then the Retrouvaille Program may help. Retrouvaille (rediscovery), which is sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, but open to couples of all faiths, consists of a weekend experience for […]

All-Natural Family Planning (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Did you know that your family planning decision can contribute to living sustainably and discovering the more God has for your  Marriage? We invite you to discover another component of living well by taking a natural family planning class. A new class series will be starting at 10:00 am on Saturday, April 21st, at Saint Clement Church hall, 2022 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood, […]

“Spirit @ Work” …… a Charis retreat for young adults! (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Join other young adults in their 20s and 30s who are also making decisions about career, vocation or relationships for a day-long retreat on Saturday, May 5th, 9 am – 7 pm. The retreat site is Holy Angels Church, 18205 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls. A Sunday liturgy and an opportunity for Reconciliation are included. $35 covers materials, snacks and meals. To register, […]

Westshore Separated, Divorced & Widowed Catholic Support Group (2018)

by Laura Cannon

The Support Group will hold a meeting on April 15th at 7 pm at St. Brendan’s Church, 4242 Brendan Lane, No. Olmsted. It will be joke night. Come prepared to laugh. We ask everyone who would like to share a favorite joke or funny story to come ready to share. It is a good way to meet others and share with […]

Divine Mercy Sunday (2018)

by Laura Cannon

All are invited to join in a Eucharistic Holy Hour, the Divine Chaplet of Mercy, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 8th, at 3 pm at St. Luke Church, 1212 Bunts Road. Please join us in the Easter celebration of God’s love and mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday. Our Holy Father has granted a plenary indulgence for […]

Redeemed & Restored: “How To Live an Abundant Life” (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was talking about when He said in the Gospel of John, that He came so that we might have life and have it in “abundance?” What is that “full” life all about? Come join the women of Walking with Purpose Catholic Women’s Bible Study, for a beautiful evening of Eucharistic Adoration, an inspiring message, confession, music, and […]

The Development of the Unborn Child

by Laura Cannon

Week #1: The Journey of My Life: Hi! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is ___________hmm, well I guess my name hasn’t been decided yet. Today I was conceived in my mother’s womb, and my mom and dad don’t even know about me yet. I know they will be so excited. It will take about 40 weeks for me […]

Academic Accolades (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Congratulations! to the following Saint Edward High School students who are on the Honor Roll for the current grading period: Honors: Fitzpatrick Metzger Daniel Miller Joshua S. Staviscak Patrick E. Triesel

Catholic Cemeteries Association Monthly Grief Support Sunday (2018)

by Laura Cannon

Please join us for an hour of sharing, listening, learning and healing along your grief journey. Our Grief Support leaders are certified as Ministers of Consolation by the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved, Inc. God’s strength will be renewed in you as you join with others traveling similar paths of readjustment after a loss. We do not want you to grieve […]

Are You Involved in LCA Athletics?

by Laura Cannon

The time and effort of the many volunteers who assist with LCA athletics is greatly appreciated. Their willingness to be involved indicates an understanding of the benefits our student athletes receive from their participation in the many sports LCA offers. In the weeks ahead, the LCA Athletic Board (LCAAB) will review applications from individuals interested in joining the board. While certain professional skills, […]