Message from Fr. Workman, 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
There is something new here! In our Gospel, the people are astonished at the teachings of Jesus. [Click to read more]
There is something new here! In our Gospel, the people are astonished at the teachings of Jesus. [Click to read more]
In our Gospel this weekend, we find Jesus passing by the Sea of Galilee. As he walks by, two groups of brothers are doing the everyday chores of fishermen, and he invites them to leave their current lives behind and follow him. [Click to read more]
Our first reading from the book of Samuel gives us the beautiful story of the persistent call of the Lord to Samuel. Samuel, with open ears, hears the call but does not understand it’s source or reason. [Click to read more.]
With the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord, we encounter the voice of the Father affirming the gift of His Son to the world. Hearing this voice, we begin to understand the strength that Jesus draws upon as he begins his public ministry. [Click to read more.]
As we journey through this Christmas season, we encounter the gifts of the Magi. Scripture identifies them as gold, frankincense, and myrrh. [Click to read more.]
Christmas joy is upon us! We begin this beautiful season of Christmas with joy in our hearts and prayers for each other. [Click to read more]
The announcement from the angel Gabriel to Mary, a message of great joy and hope. [Click to read more.]
The Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday, is a special day. It reminds us to pause, rejoice, and celebrate what is right around the corner…
[Click to read more]
It is amazing how the Lord reminds us to be watchful and alert. [Click to read more.]
The season of Advent is a preparation period for the great mystery of our salvation with the incarnation of Emmanuel – God is with us. [Click to read more]
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe, and the last Sunday of our liturgical year. [Click to read more]
Each of us are granted gifts and talents to help build the kingdom of God. For the most part, we understand these talents. However, some of us are either unaware of them or choose to ignore them completely. [Click to read more]