Message from Fr. Workman, 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Over the next few weeks, the Sunday Gospel from St. John will primarily focus on the gift of the Holy Eucharist. This week we encounter people searching for Jesus. [Click to read more.]
Over the next few weeks, the Sunday Gospel from St. John will primarily focus on the gift of the Holy Eucharist. This week we encounter people searching for Jesus. [Click to read more.]
In our Gospel this weekend, we see the concern of the disciples for the welfare of the crowd that has gathered to listen to the preaching of Jesus. Two disciples are mentioned, with two similar outlooks on the situation. [Click to read more.]
This week, let us look at Psalm 23. This psalm is very popular and very familiar. [Click to read more.]
We hear in this weekend’s gospel about the mission of the disciples. They are sent to bring the compassion of God to the lives of the people and communities they visit. [Click to read more.]
This weekend we find Jesus returning to his native place. He is amazed at the people’s lack of openness to what he wants to reveal. [Click to read more.]
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity reminds us of the profound revelation that Jesus revealed to us about God. [Click to read more.]
What beautiful Easter days with which we have been graced, and how easy it is to experience the resurrection of our Lord.
As we approach the most sacred time in the life of the Church and prepare to celebrate another Easter Season together, I want to acknowledge the challenges, difficulties and blessings we have experienced during the past year of the pandemic. [Click to read more.]
We are so grateful to all who donated to Saint Clement at #weGiveCatholic! The donations amounted to $31,175. Saint Clement Parish was awarded a $500 prize for 4th place small parish division sponsored by the Catholic Community Foundation for a total of $31,675. Again, we thank everyone for their generous support to our parish!
The month of November is a month of preparation. We do our fall chores: raking leaves, recycling summer garden plants, putting away summer furniture, installing storm windows, and mowing the grass one last time. [Click to read more]
On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, St. Clement Church asks for your support as we participate in #wegivecatholic, Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving. The church is in need of new light inserts for the historic fixtures in the church and a new electrical box in the sacristy. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to […]
This weekend we celebrate the great warriors of the Church. Throughout our history men and women of every background have fought to bring the gospel message to the people of the world. [Click to read more]