Message from Fr. Workman, 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time
esus reminds the disciples that discipleship is about service. None of us is greater than another. [Click to read more.]
esus reminds the disciples that discipleship is about service. None of us is greater than another. [Click to read more.]
This scripture passage from the Book of Hebrews reminds me, as a priest, about the reality of seminary discernment and the life of the call to serve as a priest. [Click to read more.]
This week we celebrate the Memorial of Our Guardian Angels, a real reminder that we have angelic hands that support, encourage, and minster to us as we journey through our life. [Click to read more.]
Through Baptism, we are all set apart to be ministers and proclaimers of the good news of salvation. [Click to read more.]
In our Gospel this weekend we hear Jesus shares another prediction of his passion, death, and resurrection, challenging the disciples to understand. [Click to read more.]
Peter asks Jesus a very important question about forgiving others. Jesus tells Peter that forgiving others needs to be abundant. This teaching of Jesus is particularly challenging when the forgiveness we want to offer is hidden behind hurt and disappointment. [Click to read more.]
In the ritual for Mass, the Church provides a communion antiphon that calls to mind the significance of the sacred Eucharist we are about to receive. [Click to read more.]
In the Gospel this weekend Jesus reminds us that uncleanliness comes from within. How prudent it is for us to take time daily to examine our conscience and reflect on our activities to see if our words and actions witness to the power of God. [Click to read more.]
Hosted by Fr. Joseph Workman & Fr. Rod Kreidler; 12 Days: May 2 – 13, 2022 Click here for the full information flyer
Jesus asks a very direct question to the Twelve: “Do you also want to leave?” [Click to read more.]
This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It’s a celebration of the special grace that was afforded to Mary for her unique role in salvation history. [Click to read more.]
This weekend we encounter the famous Old Testament prophet Elijah. Within this short reading we see Elijah exhausted and ready to throw in the towel. Having had enough, he gives in, for the moment, to physical and mental fatigue. [click to read more.]