Posts by Rich Miller

8596 of 112 items

SVDP Community Corner Volunteers Needed (2019)

by Rich Miller

Whole Foods to Community Corner couriers are needed. Parish volunteers have been delivering surplus food from Whole Foods in Rocky River to the SVDP Community Corner in Cleveland for the past 2 years. We have several volunteers who rotate responsibility for this Monday morning activity, which takes about an hour. We are looking for more […]

Help Suburban West Right to Life (2019)

by Rich Miller

Volunteers are needed to help man the Suburban West Right to Life booth during the Hooley on June 15th. It is at the corner of Lorain Road and Rocky River Drive. Parking is available at the Kamm’s Plaza Shopping Strip at the same corner. Please call or email Judy at 440-892-0270, or email: to […]

Help LCA Students in Their Fight Against Childhood Cancer! (2019)

by Rich Miller

Lakewood Catholic Academy seventh grade students are partnering with KICK-IT for Cancer as part of their social justice project to raise funds for childhood cancer research. To help support this cause and learn more, please visit:, SEARCH: LCA and click on the link titled LCA Houses KICK-IT for Cancer 2019. Thank you in advance […]

Congratulations – Scholarship Recipients! (2019)

by Rich Miller

The Saint Clement Scholarship Committee would like to congratulate the following students on receiving 2019 scholarship awards: Maria Davidson; Gabe Waters; Lucas Waters; Joseph Cudnik; Isaac Cudnik; Ellen Mary Martin; Jacob Cook; Maggie Andrews; Maddie Cmolik; Nate Sinagra; Maggie Griffin; Alicia Flood; Anna Kotansky; Alexander Flood; and Laura Kolenz. The students were each awarded a […]

Postures and Gestures

by Rich Miller

Click link: Postures and Gestures to learn more about Standing Kneeling Sitting Processions The Sign of the Cross Bowing Genuflecting Orans Prostrating Conclusion

Chili Potluck Thank You! (2019)

by Rich Miller

Thank you to everyone who came to Chili Night on February 9th. We had about 75 people attend. There were 14 delicious chilis to sample and many types of breads and desserts. A great big thank-you goes out to Bill Trentel for making the flyers, and to everyone who helped set up, serve and clean […]

Lenten Fast and Abstinence

by Rich Miller

Fasting is obligatory for all who are between the ages of 18 and 60. Fasting allows a person to eat one full meal. Two small meals may be taken, not to equal one full meal.  Abstinence from meat is obligatory for all who are 14 and older.  Good Friday is an obligatory day of fast and abstinence. Fridays […]

Formed – Catholic Faith on Demand

by Rich Miller

Registration is easy and free! Click Click Register and enter your name, email address, and desired password. Visit our Community for recommended content and to participate in discussions.

Catholic Charities – Thank You (2018)

by Rich Miller

We have received a letter from Bishop Nelson Perez informing us that we have reached our 2018 goal for the 2018 Catholic Charities Annual Appeal. A heartfelt thank you to all of our parishioners who so generously pledged to support the “least among us.”

A Prayer for Thanksgiving Day Meal (2018)

by Rich Miller

Blessed are you, Lord, God of all Creation. Through your goodness we enjoy the fruits of the earth and share the loving gifts of family and friendship. We ask your blessing on our guests, our table and home. We offer thanks for the love with which this festive meal was prepared, and for the love […]

Get Catholic News Emailed to You!!

by Rich Miller

Stay informed with the latest Catholic news from the Diocese of Cleveland. Subscribe to the Northeast Ohio Catholic e-newsletter for free every Thursday delivered to your email inbox. To sign up, go to, and click the e-newsletter icon to sign up today.

Rite of Christian Initiation (2018)

by Rich Miller

Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? INVITE THEM to join our RCIA process beginning in early September! The RCIA is open to adults from all faith traditions who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. During our first several weeks we will explore topics such as: Who […]