Posts by Rich Miller

7384 of 112 items

Message from Fr. Workman, 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

by Rich Miller

Dear Brothers and Sisters, There is a “call” that is given to each of us. Each of us are called uniquely to go into the vineyard to preach the gospel. Our response to this call is so important, not only to ensure the spread of the gospel, but also to ensure we each embrace our […]

Prepare to Vote in 2020

by Rich Miller

Pope Francis wrote: “What kind of world do we want to leave to those who come after us, to children who are now growing up?” “We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by […]

Timeless Prayer

by Rich Miller

We’ve revived Timeless and are posting some spiritual support for the parish here. Litany of Trust – open & increase volume


by Rich Miller

Birthright will be hosting a training program for new volunteers for our Lakewood office in March. Volunteer duties include answering the phones, sorting baby clothes, making up layettes and helping pregnant women find community resources. If you feel God is calling you to help women, please call Toni at 216-228-5998 for more information.

40 Days for Life (2020)

by Rich Miller

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2019 Fall Campaign of 40 Days for Life. God has abundantly blessed the 40 Days for Life mission. 738 babies, mothers and families were spared from abortion, including 4 babies in our communities, and 5 more abortion workers converted. Praise God! Cumulatively over the 12 years of […]

St. Clement Scholarship Program (2020)

by Rich Miller

The Saint Clement Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that in furtherance of Catholic education, once again this year the Parish will provide scholarship assistance to eligible students in the Parish. The Committee will be awarding scholarships to active parishioners who will be attending a Catholic grade school, high school, college or university in the […]

Saint Clement Pastoral Council Members

by Rich Miller

With great Joy we have begun a new chapter in the pastoral care of our parish community. After over a year of reflection on the role and mission of a Parish Pastoral Council, I am excited to share with you the names of those of our community who are willing to serve a 2- or […]

Rite of Christian Initiation (2019)

by Rich Miller

Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? INVITE THEM to join our RCIA process beginning in early September! The RCIA is open to adults from all faith traditions who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. During our first several weeks we will explore topics such as: Who is […]

Amazon Gives to St Clement (2019)

by Rich Miller

Donating to St Clement Parish through your online Amazon purchases has never been easier. Just go to and choose St. Clement Parish as your charity of choice. AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices and convenient shopping features as on The […]

Saint Vincent de Paul Society (2019 July)

by Rich Miller

The current envelope packet includes one for Saint Vincent de Paul (SVDP). This once-a-year special collection to SVDP is exclusively for your Saint Clement/Saint James Conference. The funds collected allow our conference to assist our neighbors with emergency financial assistance. Your generosity helps to: provide bus tickets for those with car trouble so they can […]

Protecting God’s Children (2019)

by Rich Miller

The Diocese of Children’s “Protecting God’s Children” program is a contenting effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious, lay ecclesial ministers or personnel associated with the Church, please contact the diocesan Response Service […]