Posts by Rich Miller

6172 of 112 items

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

by Rich Miller

Do you know someone who has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Invite them to join our RCIA Process. Classes will begin in early September. The RCIA is open to adults from all faith traditions who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. If you are interested, or know someone who might be […]

The Pot-of-Gold is Back!

by Rich Miller

Due to popular demand, we will be holding our Pot-of-Gold parish fundraiser once again! The first drawing will be held on Monday, October 2nd. We will begin selling tickets on August 26th and 27th, after the 4 pm Mass, and the 8:30 am Mass in the gathering area. We will continue to sell tickets through […]

Fr. Workman Update

by Rich Miller

After prayer and reflection, Fr. Joseph Workman has resigned from his pastorate of St. Clement Parish and St. James Parish, both in Lakewood. Bishop Malesic has accepted his resignation effective immediately. Fr. Workman will receive a new assignment upon his return from his medical leave of absence. We extend our thanks and appreciation to Fr. […]

The Fridays of Lent

by Rich Miller

The Fridays of Lent at Saint Clement Church are an opportunity to enter into a deeper relationship with Jesus. All are invited to spend time with Jesus at any or all of the following devotions:            Noon                          Rosary            Noon to 5:00 pm       Eucharistic Adoration            3:00 pm                      Divine Mercy Chaplet            […]

#weGiveCatholic November 29

by Rich Miller

Please, support us with you donation on Tuesday, November 29, by clicking link: #weGiveCatholic or simply use this QR code below. Note: you may also make a donation via check. Please, make the check payable to St. Clement Parish and drop it off at the Rectory by Monday, November 28th.

Pope Francis’ Words

by Rich Miller

Do You Want to Fast this Lent? Fast from hurting words and say kind words Fast from sadness and be filled with gratitude Fast from anger and be filled with patience Fast from worries and trust in God Fast from pressures and be prayerful Fast from grudges and be reconciled Fast from bitterness and fill […]

What’s Your St. Clement Story?

by Rich Miller

What’s your favorite St. Clement memory? Was it your wedding, First Communion, a baptism? A classmate from St. Clement School, a fellow parishioner, a priest or nun, a visitor? Do you smile remembering a project, a parish event, a piece of advice that resonates, even today? The St. Clement Centennial Promotion sub-committee wants to hear […]

Centennial Volunteers Needed

by Rich Miller

You Have Skills. We Need Them. Whatever your age, whatever your interests, wherever your special talents lie, the St. Clement Centennial Committee welcomes your help with the array of events and projects planned in celebration of our parish’s 100th anniversary this year. Sign up to volunteer now at

#weGiveCatholic – December 1st Giving Tuesday

by Rich Miller

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, St. Clement Church asks for your support as we participate in #wegivecatholic, Northeast Ohio’s Online Day of Catholic Giving. The church is in need of new light inserts for the historic fixtures in the church and a new electrical box in the sacristy. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to […]