Mass Intentions for March 1st Week 2025
Thursday, March 6 8:15 am For the People of the Parish Saturday, March 8 4:00 pm Russ Negray Sunday March 9 8:30 am Mary Carmela Elkins
Thursday, March 6 8:15 am For the People of the Parish Saturday, March 8 4:00 pm Russ Negray Sunday March 9 8:30 am Mary Carmela Elkins
Thursday, February 27 8:15am Joseph McMasterSaturday, March 1 Mass Intention 4:00pm Josie MrazSunday, March 2 Mass Intention 8:30am Richard Dorsey
First Honors is awarded at the end of each semester for students who have achieved an average of 4.0 or above. Students are named to the Honor Roll for each semester when they have achieved an average between 3.3 and 3.699.
Thursday, February 20 8:15 am Al ValenzenoSaturday, February 22 4:00 pm Meghan StewartSunday, February 23 8:30 am Jackie Ronan
We welcome our newly baptized to our parish family, Gwenn Ann Czajkowski, daughter of Mark and Julie Czajkowski.
Our parish is in need of Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers to assist at our weekend Masses. These ministries are essential to our worship, as lectors proclaim the Word of God and Eucharistic Ministers help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. Those interested in becoming an Eucharistic Minister must complete a diocesan training class, and […]
Pope Francis has declared 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope, a time of renewal, grace, and pilgrimage for the faithful…. Click here for additional information
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Edward C. Malesic What we think of God and how we think of God matter… Click here for complete letter
Thursday, February 13 8:15am Jane O’TooleSaturday, February 15 4:00pm For the People of the ParishSunday, February 16 8:30am Mary Carmela Elkins
The Saint Clement Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that in furtherance of Catholic education, once again this year the Parish will provide scholarship assistance to eligible students in the Parish. The Committee will be awarding scholarships to active parishioners who will be attending a Catholic grade school, high school, college or university in the […]
Thursday, February 6 8:15am For Mothers, Living and DeceasedSaturday, February 8 4:00pm Rosemary FarnsworthSunday, February 9 8:30am Beverly O’Toole