Message from Fr. Workman, 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time
A woman of great faith, with a physical challenge, desired just to touch the clothes of Jesus. [Click to read more.]
A woman of great faith, with a physical challenge, desired just to touch the clothes of Jesus. [Click to read more.]
Fall Sports Registration Now Open [Click to open]
In Mark’s gospel this weekend we hear a very unusual detail: “Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was, and other boats were with him.” [Click to read more.]
We live in unique times. With so much technology we have information, products, and interactions with others at the tips of our fingers. [Click to read more]
At every Mass we stand at the foot of the cross of our salvation. [Click to read more.]
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity reminds us of the profound revelation that Jesus revealed to us about God. [Click to read more.]
As you know, like many other things, parish activities have been on hold throughout this challenging year. [Click to read more.]
The conclusion of the Season of Easter coincides with the beginning of the life of the Church. [Click to read more.]
We celebrate the Ascension of the Lord this weekend. Jesus says: “signs will accompany those who believe” [Click to read more.]
Together, the Bishops of Ohio have decided that the general obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation
(including the Saturday/Vigil Mass) is to be reinstated (CIC, can. 1247). This will take effect in each of the Dioceses of Ohio the
weekend of June 5-6, 2021. [Click to read PDF of joint message.]
This Sunday’s gospel is a great reminder of Jesus’ deep desire for us to remain in His love so that our joy may be complete. [Click to read more.]
We continue our journey through the Easter season, and this Sunday we are reminded that we are being pruned to produce more fruit. [Click to read more.]