Pope Francis has asked the universal Church to enter into a synodal process to discern, through a journey of listening and accompaniment, how we can be more fully a Church on mission to proclaim the Kingdom.
The experience of the Diocese of Cleveland has something to share in this in its own practice of pastoral planning through collaborative engagement with the whole People of God. The Institute of Catholic Studies at John Carroll University is pleased to present a panel discussion of this earlier example of our diocese engaging in such a journey. Sr. Rita Mary Harwood, SND, previously the Secretary for Parish Life of the Diocese of Cleveland, and Mr. Rick Krivanka, previously the Director of the Diocesan Pastoral Planning Office, will share their experiences of this collaborative and consultative approach to Church life.
This event is free and open to the public. In accordance with university health protocols, all visitors to campus must be masked inside university buildings. This event is sponsored by the Institute of Catholic Studies, The Department of Theology and Religious Studies and The Center for Service and Social Action at John Carroll University. This lecture will be held on November 17th, at 7:30 pm in the Donahue Auditorium, in the Dolan Center for Science and Technology at John Carroll University.
Please contact the Institute of Catholic Studies at 216-397- 4558 with any questions.