Our parish is in need of Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers to assist at our weekend Masses. These ministries are essential to our worship, as lectors proclaim the Word of God and Eucharistic Ministers help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. 

Those interested in becoming an Eucharistic Minister must complete a diocesan training class, and upcoming sessions are available soon. In addition to serving at Mass, Eucharistic Ministers also have the special opportunity to bring Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, ensuring that all members of our community can receive the grace of the Eucharist. 

If you feel called to serve in one of these ministries, please contact Max Hall at Rectory@stclementlakewood.com or 216-226-5116 for more information. Training will be provided and scheduling is flexible. 

Thank you for considering this meaningful way to serve the Lord and our parish family.