It is with great hope that St. Clement is in the process of developing a prayer warrior ministry. The mission of this prayer ministry is to create opportunities for prayer intentions, support other church ministries and to deepen our relationship with Christ.

Prayer Warriors use intercessory prayer in a working partnership with God. Jesus taught it, lived it, and died on the cross for this grace. It was encouraged in the New Testament as a necessary part of a Christian’s journey faith. Our prayers on behalf of others are offered in humility, trust and confidentiality. We pray for others but it is God himself and the power of his love in Christ that brings healing. Yet, in the mystery of God’s grace there is a healing power released through the request of one who prays for others. That call for intercession goes to and through
God, is multiplied by the love of God in Jesus Christ, and ultimately flows into the life of the person or persons who are the subject of intercession.

If you are interested in becoming a prayer warrior, please call Jean Smith at 216-536-8693 or email to