I am happy to announce that Fr. Kevin Elbert, Pastor of St. Luke Parish in Lakewood, has been appointed the new Pastor of St. Clement and St. James Parishes effective December 1, 2023. This is in addition to being Pastor at St. Luke Parish. Bishop Malesic will also be assigning a full-time Parochial Vicar to assist Fr. Kevin in the ministry of these three parishes. The appointment will take place in June 2024.
In the meantime, there will be an adjustment in the daily Mass schedule at all three parishes. There will be one daily Mass at 8:15 am. The Mass will be at St. Luke on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; at St. Clement on Thursday; and at St. James on Friday. There will be no changes in the weekend Mass schedule at any of the parishes. Fr. Kevin plans to celebrate the Masses at St. Clement and St. James on the weekend of December 2nd and 3rd, as a way of introducing himself as the new pastor of these parish communities.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding during my time as Administrator of St. Clement and St. James. Please welcome Fr. Kevin as you did me when I began, and offer him your prayers and support as he begins this new ministry among you. Be assured of my prayers for him and for all the people of these three Lakewood parishes as you seek to work together to be a viable presence in the greater Lakewood community.
Fr. John Chlebo