Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As we journey through Lent, we hear Jesus explain his future and the reality of his passion. We hear acceptance in his voice of this life giving and life saving act of love. Through Jesus’ passion we are strengthened to embrace our own challenges placed before us. Many of us have life struggles that can easily weigh heavy on our shoulders. These struggles come at a time when we are universally coping with a global pandemic. We have worked hard to bring hope and strength to one another during this time and we see the future of hope that is a result of our work and our sacrifice. Similarly, we need to rely on our faith and hope as we carry our personal burdens.

Many people carry their burdens with impressive grace and strength. Others, however, are gravely affected by their challenges. Each person in either experience and every place in between needs our prayerful support and encouragement. As we approach Holy Week with the celebration of Palm Sunday, let us lift up our personal struggles and those of our neighbors, uniting them with Christ as we recall his passion that leads to eternal life. Jesus says, “and when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” (Jn 12:32) Jesus knew that his suffering would not end in darkness but through it would arise for us the source of salvation. The author of Hebrews says, “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” (Heb 5:8-9)

Remember to visit the parish website for all upcoming Holy Week celebrations and other related schedules. As mentioned in prior newsletters, we are starting to schedule communion calls for Easter week. This opportunity to receive communion is offered to those that have not been attending Mass in person.

**To schedule a visit on Monday, April 5 or Tuesday, April 6, call Diane at Saint James 216-712-6755.
**To schedule a visit on Wednesday, April 7 or Thursday April 8, call Susan at Saint Clement 216-226-5116.

Life around the parishes keeps moving along. Plans are in the works to restore the Fatima shrine at Saint Clement, and we have finalized lease/purchase agreements for the school and rectory buildings at Saint James. Both parish councils are exploring ways to restore parish activities throughout the summer and this upcoming fall. Also, plans are being formed to have in-person P.S.R. and sacramental classes this fall.
As we make these transition back to “normal,” please remember to be respectful of the guidelines that are or will be in place. It’s important to the success of anything that we do, that all of us do our part to keep each other safe. Patience and creativity will be vital as we transition back to our parish activities.

Lent peace!
Fr. Workman