Message from Fr. Workman, Christmas
One of the unique liturgical characteristics of the Solemnity of Christmas is the particular readings assigned depending on the time of the Mass. [Click to read more.]
One of the unique liturgical characteristics of the Solemnity of Christmas is the particular readings assigned depending on the time of the Mass. [Click to read more.]
Greetings can be expressed and exchanged in so many ways. The different styles of greetings that we learn come primarily from our cultural experience. [Click to read more.]
Both parishes have a beautiful history of showing compassion for the poor. From the giving trees, the St. Augustine collections, and the community meals program, our communities have consistently supported our struggling brothers and sisters in these and so many other ways. [Click to read more.]
As we enter this month of December, we are filled with joy for the many blessings that God has showered upon us. [Click to read more.]
This weekend we begin a new liturgical year as we celebrate the first Sunday of Advent. In the gospel, Jesus uses the word “perplexed” in relationship to what the people may see or experience. [Click to read more.]
How do we experience this central theme of our faith and, more importantly, how do we live it out? [Click to read more.]
On November 9th, the universal Church celebrated the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. This feast commemorates the dedication of Saint John Lateran, the first Catholic Basilica in Rome, by Pope Sylvester in AD 324. [Click to read more.]
This past Wednesday I was walking through Saint Peter’s Square in Rome, in the rain. [Click to read more.]
We begin the month of November with two important liturgical celebrations. [Click to read more.]
esus reminds the disciples that discipleship is about service. None of us is greater than another. [Click to read more.]
This scripture passage from the Book of Hebrews reminds me, as a priest, about the reality of seminary discernment and the life of the call to serve as a priest. [Click to read more.]
This week we celebrate the Memorial of Our Guardian Angels, a real reminder that we have angelic hands that support, encourage, and minster to us as we journey through our life. [Click to read more.]