Thus says the Lord:

All you who thirst, come to the water!

You who have no money, come, receive grain and eat;

Come, without paying and without cost, drink wine and milk!

(Is 55:1)

August 1, 2020

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The invitation by the Lord to come to him is an invitation that requires our humility. The Lord offers freely these life sustaining elements of human existence. These necessities of life bring us life, and are offered freely. If we humble ourselves before God and acknowledge our thirsting, we will be offered a cup of refreshment. If we humble ourselves and acknowledge our poverty, then we will be offered the strength to continue the journey. However, there is pride. At times we are thirsting for forgiveness but afraid to admit any wrongdoings. There are occasions when we feel weak in our faith and afraid to admit to a struggle to understand God or the Church. Many people feel drawn to know more about their faith but they stay away from faith formation programs, afraid of what their friends may think.

We live in an extremely complicated and fast paced world. Today’s world is coping with the Covid-19 virus on top of the chaos of everything else. There is a great thirst and hunger for peace and justice, an end to wars and rioting, equality amongst all peoples, the security of our God given freedoms, and the resources to support the poor and marginalized. Just to name a few.

As Christians, we are to be like the Apostles in this Sunday’s Gospel who participate in the feeding of the multitudes. We know, under so many forms, people throughout the world, in our local communities and even within our families, who are thirsting, without money, and so very hungry. Some of us can and are physically helping and being an advocate for others. But there are many of us who would rather stay in our own bubble and not be bothered. This attitude comes from pride. We may even think that we are too young, too old, too weak, or too busy. These are not reasons to hide from the needs of our brothers and sisters. We are all called to love. With all that is going on in our world, communities, and families, it is imperative that we humble ourselves in prayer and be an advocate for those who thirst to ensure they receive refreshment for the struggle and food for the journey at no cost.

As we begin this new month, consider it an opportunity to reflect upon the past few months. How am I doing personally, spiritually, and emotionally as I cope with the effects of this worldwide pandemic? Have I sought and found the support that I need? Have I been willing to go out of my way to support family, friends, neighbors, and the Church? When I not able to physically help someone, do I make the time to lift them up in prayer daily? Am I being faithful in my commitment to help slow the spread of this virus? What can I start doing this month to bring refreshment and strength to my brothers and sisters?

Fr. Deo received word last week that he is now allowed to return to the hospital upon request. Please keep him in your prayers as he becomes a member of the frontline workers in our hospitals. We pray for all frontline workers in our hospital and other care facilities, who sometimes find themselves in challenging situations. May God protect them as they care for our brothers and sisters.

Thank you once again for your continued support of the parish community, especially for your financial assistance. The live streamed and recorded weekend Mass schedule is listed below and will be posted in the bulletin and on the parish website. Our intention is to stream and record the Saturday Vigil Mass, either at 4:00 p.m. (Saint Clement) or 4:30 p.m. (Saint James).

Christ’s Peace!

Fr. Workman

Live Streaming Schedule

Aug. 1st            4:00pm            St. Clement

Aug. 8th           4:30pm            St. James

Aug. 15th         4:00pm            St. Clement

Aug. 22nd         4:30pm            St. James

Aug. 29th         4:30pm            St. James

Sept. 5th         4:00pm            St. Clement

Sept. 12th         4:30pm            St. James

Sept 19th          4:00pm            St. Clement

Sept 26th          4:30                 St. James