Volunteers are needed to help man the Suburban West Right to Life booth during the Hooley on June 15th. It is at the corner of Lorain Road and Rocky River Drive. Parking is available at the Kamm’s Plaza Shopping Strip at the same corner.
Please call or email Judy at 440-892-0270, or email: judith@mazur92@gmail.com to volunteer for a one or two hour shift during the following times, or with any questions: 12 pm – 1 pm, 4 pm – 8 pm.
Another event this pro-life group is seeking help with is marching in the West Park Parade on Thursday, July 4th. Adults, as well as children, are welcome to participate. Sign-in will be at Gene’s Place on the northeast corner of Kamm’s Plaza. Volunteers will meet at 9 am in front of Fitness 19, which is a few doors down from Gene’s Place. Parking is available in the shopping strip. The parade is from 9:30 am – 11 am .
Please call Fred at 440-235-6258 if you will participating, or have any questions.